Turner and Reynolds also argue that such commentary unreasonably discounts the motivational concerns that are articulated in self-categorization theory.
Turner (1990) argued that the priorities are as follows:
That's when Turner argued that its liability should be cut by $20 million - the money donated to help finance the reconstruction.
However, Turner argues that cranial morphology suggests "Sinodonty" in all the populations he has studied.
Citing the beliefs of his father and Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder, Turner argues that the rich should bear a relatively heavy tax load.
But, Turner does not argue that inequality justifies the reliance on experts.
Turner and Weed argue, "In a conflict situation, don't ask 'who', ask 'what' and 'why'.
Turner argued that the death toll "was certainly in six digits."
In particular, Turner argues for the use of timeless organic and geometrical patterns in urban planning.
On appeal, Frost and Turner argued that 1346 did not apply to them because they were not public servants.