Lucia Lucchesi-Ghiselli is a resident of Viareggio, Italy located in the Tuscan region.
The invasion force rapidly spread across the island, meeting no resistance as the entire Neapolitan portion and almost all of the Tuscan region surrendered before them.
The drink acqua pazza is a type of wine by-product made by peasants in the Tuscan region of Italy from the leftovers of wine production.
"We are simply trying not to let our landscape be trivialized by ugly advertising," said Vannino Chiti, president of the Tuscan region.
Auser Musici is a period instrument ensemble centered in Pisa that specializes in early music repertory from the Tuscan region of Italy.
In the simplest terms, a Super-Tuscan is an expensive wine from the Tuscan region of Italy, usually made from nontraditional grape varieties.
My trip started in northern Italy, in the Tuscan region, and ended 12 days later further south on the Amalfi coast.
The president of the Tuscan region said the number stood at 17 but other estimates were as high as 34.
The entrees, which are already selling in supermarkets, are all authentic pasta dishes from the Tuscan region, Mr. Luongo explained, and they are easily prepared.
St. Francis of Assisi began his life of preaching and penance in the Tuscan region of Italy around this same time.