I read about the Tuskegee study in a book.
The Tuskegee study has had far-reaching effects on how blacks view health care and medical treatment, the speakers contended.
No one appeared to have reevaluated the protocols of the Tuskegee Study according to the new standards.
The Tuskegee study deliberately left Black men diagnosed with syphilis untreated for 40 years.
This year Clinton offered a formal apology to survivors of the Tuskegee medical study that denied syphilis treatment to 399 black men.
The Tuskegee Study published its first clinical data in 1934 and issued their first major report in 1936.
First, they say, unlike the situation in the Tuskegee study, all the women participating in the third-world trials have given their informed consent.
This mistrust stems from the exploitation of the African American communities during studies like the Tuskegee study.
In The Drum, Jenkins called for an end to the Tuskegee Study.
This makes the Tuskegee studies, and the involvement of the United States Government, doubly shameful.