Defense lawyers told the court that the nuns had feared retaliation if they harbored Tutsi refugees.
The front is demanding Government jobs and the right of Tutsi refugees to return.
Tutsi refugees formed a disproportionately large number of officers in the NRA for the simple reason that they joined early and had accumulated more experience.
U.N. money for feeding Tutsi refugees from the 1993 Burundi massacres is about to run out.
But that is not what the Tutsi refugees here want.
Many of these were Tutsi refugees, who took along their own weapons as well as land mines, mortars and recoilless cannons.
Others stood outside of churches where hundreds of Tutsi refugees hid; their mere presence was sometimes enough to stop the militants.
Tutsi refugees say thousands of Rwandan Hutu have moved into the region in recent months.
But some Tutsi refugees say they have much to fear.
In 1992, the agency encouraged Tutsi refugees to return to Burundi and some were killed by Hutu.