Tutsi-led rebels raced to take over the country and halt the slaughter.
In Rwanda, Tutsi-led rebels eventually drove the Hutu-led government from power.
Soldiers took over several checkpoints from the militias to try and hold them against a barrage of mortar and artillery fire from advancing Tutsi-led rebels, he said.
The hospital takes in truckloads of injured soldiers from the war front, where the Hutu army is battling Tutsi-led rebels of the Rwanda Patriotic Front.
They cheered toward the end when Tutsi-led rebels attacked the Hutu militants who were terrorizing the people evacuated from the Mille Collines.
In Rwanda, Hutu militias slaughtered Tutsis while a Hutu-led army tried to fend off the Tutsi-led rebels who now run the country.
A8 Zaire Rebels Advance West Tutsi-led rebels gained ground farther west in Zaire, driving some 40,000 refugees deeper into the country's interior as they advanced.
But foreign doctors and development workers reported this spring that after the 1990 offensive by Tutsi-led rebels, France was doing more than simply advising the Rwandan Army.
When Tutsi-led rebels seized power in Rwanda, the Hutu fled in fear of reprisals for three months of massacres of Tutsi and moderate Hutu.
About 760,000 returned to Rwanda last October after Zaire's Tutsi-led rebels began their advance.