He began preaching in the Tyrol region, forming several small congregations.
The rest of the party, returning from the Tyrol region of Austria, was expected home last night.
The Tyrol region of Austria is known for its beautiful scenery high in the Alps.
On their return in 1918 they found the Tyrol region in a state of devastation and famine in the aftermath of the war.
Pertisau is a small village on the Achensee Lake in the Tyrol region of Austria.
Perchtenlaufen is a folk custom found in the Tyrol region of central Europe.
The first primitive form of pedal harps was developed in the Tyrol region of Austria.
Giergl's family originated from the Tyrol region but for generations were known for their artistic endeavors in Pest.
Bertha took Gustav to a family estate in Tyrol region of Austria, where they remained until the end of the war.