One place where it persisted was the U.S. Southwest, where lowriders were built similar in concept to the earlier customs, but of post-1950s cars.
The cultures here also share some traits with those of the U.S. Southwest, but are distinct from these as well.
There would be a hard crust on the top of the soil similar to a deposit, called caliche which is common in the U.S. Southwest.
These cultures share some traits with those of the U.S. Southwest, however distinct.
It is found from west Texas across the U.S. Southwest to southeastern California, and south into the northern states of Mexico.
In the U.S. Southwest we are dealing with not just a single culture and collapse, but with a whole series of them (map, p. 142).
Chapter 4 The prehistory of the U.S. Southwest is well served by books written for the general public and well illustrated, often in color.
The turkey, one of the most important meat birds, was probably domesticated in Mexico or the U.S. Southwest.
The character returns to his home in the U.S. Southwest and describes the incident as murder.
Picacho is a Spanish word meaning big peak, and there are many features with the word in its name across the U.S. Southwest.