U.S. advisers come for a few months, then leave, and their replacements have to start all over.
The first contingent of US advisers and equipment arrived later that day.
Two colonels and three US advisers, one of them military, attended the talks for the first time.
Attacks on US military advisers in Vietnam became more frequent.
U.S. advisers have to abstain from any combat role.
But that by itself does not justify sending U.S. military advisers into the middle of an apparent civil war.
Some US advisers serving with units involved in the coup were driven off by rebel officers who did not want interference.
At mid-afternoon, U.S. military advisers approved the building for a bombing run.
The 14,000 U.S. military advisers in the country were given orders to stay in their homes, and all leave was canceled.
Several U.S. advisers were chased away by rebel officers who did not want interference in the coup.