We cannot equal the quality of U.S. arms for a generation or two.
A7 A new U.S. arms control official will be nominated.
But he has not provided the essential inducement - a clear commitment to slow U.S. arms sales.
A2 A panel said to urge a 50 percent cut in the U.S. atomic arms.
American taxpayers foot a sizable bill to subsidize U.S. arms exports.
A 1975 to 1978 U.S. arms embargo against Turkey failed to bring about the withdrawal of its troops.
Since then, however, even as the negotiators kept talking, arms sales have mushroomed: $8.5 billion in U.S. arms alone.
It wants to inspect bases in the South to assure that no U.S. nuclear arms remain.
U.S. arms control organizations criticized the proposal to resume reprocessing as costly and increasing proliferation risks.
State Department human rights reports show that more than three-quarters of U.S. arms sales in 1993 went to undemocratic governments.