If offshore drilling provides seven months of world consumption, isn't that twenty-eight months of U.S. consumption?
You are absolutely right that eighteen billion barrels of oil amounts to roughly twenty-eight months of U.S. consumption.
Despite more women entering the workforce to provide two family incomes, U.S. consumption became increasingly debt-financed and unsustainable.
Read about the daily U.S. consumption for 12 items, including denim jeans and movie tickets.
During the following years, California's energy consumption has remained approximately flat on a per capita basis while national U.S. consumption doubled.
That is more than the U.S. average consumption of 255 pounds of domestic meat, fish, and poultry per year.
Dramatically reduced wealth due to both housing prices and stock market declines are unlikely to enable U.S. consumption to return to pre-crisis levels.
In 1974, the U.S. consumption of lead compounds, excluding pigments and gasoline additives, was 642 tons.
In 2003, U.S. consumption was 856,000 tons, 72% of which was used to make polycarbonate plastic and 21% going into epoxy resins.
Yet overall U.S. consumption of apples had been flat for a generation.