This in turn reduced tensions with the Soviet Union, which retained the offensive capability to overwhelm any U.S. defense.
Reaganite hawks have since argued that pressures stemming from increased U.S. defense spending was an additional impetus for reform.
The Russians would make extensive efforts, moreover, to overwhelm the U.S. defense with offensive weapons, forcing a new arms race in space.
The committee calls only for negotiations on modest amendments to permit a more effective U.S. defense against limited attacks.
U.S. defense will soon depend on foreign sources for state-of-the-art technology in semiconductors.
"Why had the U.S. military defenses failed to stop any of the four hijacked planes?"
But much is wrong with letting any country get control of businesses vital to the U.S. defense.
Another day U.S. defense and intelligence people say North Korea already has them.
See how today's nuclear submarines play an integral role in U.S. national defense.
But Republicans had an enormous edge when people were asked which party was more likely to "make sure U.S. military defenses are strong."