He was shown a U.S. document that detailed several charges against him, including allegations that he had ties to al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
As the cover stories and phony alibis began to unravel, official U.S. documents were turned into confetti.
Declassified U.S. documents on the operation would be made public by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2008.
Many U.S. documents on the El Mozote massacre are still being withheld from the commission - and from us.
The Army said its researchers reviewed 1 million pages of U.S. archival documents.
However, according to classified U.S. documents released by Wikileaks, Canadian officials allegedly promised to clandestinely support the invasion.
The Library has been a depository for federal government publications since 1907 and has a substantial number of U.S. documents issued before and after that time.
U.S. documents leaked online claimed to reveal that Hezbollah used ambulances to transport weapons during the war.
WikiLeaks became internationally well known in 2010 when it began to publish U.S. military and diplomatic documents with assistance from its partners in the news media.
Wikileaks disclosed 391,832 classified U.S. military documents on the Iraq War.