During the 1870s U.S. engineers climbed the mountain to record the elevation, so there should be a monument marker at the top.
John Heinricy is a U.S. automotive engineer and noted racecar driver.
After a fierce tank battle the next day, the Germans finally entered the village when U.S. engineers failed to blow the bridge.
When they reached it at 1130 on 18 December, retreating U.S. engineers blew it up in their faces.
As economies in other nations grow, there's more demand for U.S. engineers, software developers, researchers, and consultants.
The U.S. engineers had to try to do strenuous work in gas masks.
U.S. engineers had rapidly figured out they needed to do something about the fearsome new machine the Confederates had introduced.
Moore was a U.S. electrical engineer and inventor.
And, of course, it's not very easy to make U.S. engineers migrate to France, even with our wine and food.
In northern Iraq, U.S. engineers reported that it would take $50 million to bring a cement factory in the area to Western standards.