The film is credited as the first US production to cost $1 million to produce.
Also, US industrial production, in which manufacturing makes up 78%, saw an increase of 49% from 1993-2005.
It is estimated this represents about four percent of the total US production.
US industrial production for December rose 0.4pc, up from -0.2pc the previous month but short of the 0.5pc expected.
It says it plans to start US production within two years.
Bush claimed that US industrial production was already 42 per cent down on previous levels.
There are now spin-off versions all over the world, including a wildly successful US production.
In 2012, the estimated US production of osmium was 75 kg.
A shift to U.S. production should reduce delivery times, though not prices.
But even in a bad year like that one, US production was nearly eight times greater than the Soviet Union's.