He's also supervising U.N. reforms and environmental regulations that will cripple U.S. sovereignty, warns the article.
The beliefs associated with this appellation have been characterized as a conspiracy theory to undermine U.S. sovereignty.
These symbolized U.S. sovereignty over the indigenous inhabitants.
English became an important language in the Philippines in the period between 1898 and 1946, when the Philippines was under U.S. sovereignty.
The Canal is critical to our domestic security and U.S. sovereignty over the Canal must be maintained.
This extended U.S. sovereignty over the region, but effective control would not occur until government officials arrived from the United States.
Paul not only wants, in principle, to restore the republic but also opposes the continued erosion of states' rights and U.S. sovereignty.
U.S. sovereignty includes the airspace over its land and territorial waters.
The beliefs associated with this appellation are associated with conspiracy theories regarding secret plans to undermine U.S. sovereignty.
There, if anywhere, some still-organized remnant of U.S. sovereignty might yet be found.