Japan said it would take action to counter the U.S. tariffs by bringing the matter to the new World Trade Organization.
For example, the U.S. tariff on ladies' sweaters made of a silk-polyester blend depends on the value of the silk content.
Mexican exporters face an average U.S. tariff of only 4 percent; half their goods come into our country tariff-free.
The Reciprocity Treaty adopted in 1903 lowered the U.S. tariff on Cuban sugar by 20 percent.
At the same time, high U.S. tariffs were making it much more difficult for them to sell their goods in U.S. markets.
As a result of high U.S. tariffs, only a sort of cycle kept the reparations and war-debt payments going.
For example, if the U.S. tariff on imported fireworks were 10 percent, Beijing could wipe out the effect by dropping prices 10 percent.
Europeans reacted angrily to temporary U.S. tariffs on steel imports.
Nafta would lower Mexican tariffs by a lot and U.S. tariffs, because they are already low, only a little.
In exchange, it would lower already low U.S. tariffs on Mexican vegetables, garments and other consumer goods.