The act also applies to any foreign military craft in U.S. territorial waters.
A few weeks later he announces that all U.S. offshore waters and ports are closed to the submarines of the warring nations.
Fortunately, the ship drifts back into U.S. waters and a police raid stops him from going any further.
Japan to U.S. waters would take several days under the best of circumstances.
It is unlikely that a fish exposed to significant levels of radionuclides near the reactor could travel to U.S. waters and be caught and harvested.
Q: How many species of cetaceans in U.S. waters are protected?
With harbors like this one in Alaska, it's no wonder many U.S. waters are overfished.
I estimate we will be drifting over the 100-fathom line and entering U.S. territorial waters within two hours, the message ended.
To his rendezvous beyond U.S. territorial waters.
By August 1942, the submarine threat to shipping in U.S. coastal waters had been contained.