This data was used by UCLA researchers in a 2000 Nature paper to demonstrate that there is a black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
The Los Alamos and UCLA researchers measured the critical magnetic fields of the material - which point to how useful the superconductor may be.
In 2009, a UCLA researcher's car was firebombed; a year later, another researcher was sent a package of razorblades allegedly contaminated with HIV.
UCLA researchers are working on a project to encourage installation of vehicle-to-vehicle mobile computer networks to ensure driving safety and deal with congestions.
However, a four year study conducted by UCLA researchers found feelings of pre-marital doubt or uncertainty about an impending marriage were associated with future marital problems and a viable predictor of divorce.
The UCLA researchers developed models for several cancers, seeing which antibodies worked and which didn't.
UCLA researchers found that participation in SACPA resulted in substantially reduced incarceration costs for many offenders, particularly those who completed treatment.
UCLA medical researchers also pioneered the use of PET scanning to study brain function.
The court decided that patient John Moore had no property rights in the immensely profitable "Mo" cell line which UCLA researchers had discovered when they removed his cancerous spleen.