These cars are cheaper than official UK imports, but have better specification levels by comparison.
The UK imports 40% of its food supplies.
The UK imports 95 per cent of its charcoal, mostly from rainforests.
The UK imports Canadian timber and forest products worth over £50 million a year.
These cars tend to be cheaper than official UK imports, but often have better Japanese domestic market specification levels by comparison.
It was introduced in right-hand-drive form nine years later, when Chrysler Jeep began its official UK import and sales programme.
Table 12.1 UK imports of softwood, 1954-84 (in thousands of cubic metres)
Fig. 12.1 UK imports of softwood 1954-84 (thousands of cubic metres)
The German release was a UK import.
The UK imports much more green glass in the form of wine bottles than it uses, leading to a surplus amount for recycling.