He's also a family man and he'd like to send his children to UK schools.
Last year there were 21,533 international students studying in UK independent schools.
There are now 2,700 UK schools working towards an award.
For this reason, we will not attempt an international analysis but focus closer to home on the situation in UK schools.
It has sustained its popularity to the present day, and for many years was the standard musical performed by UK schools.
From 1986 to 1989, about 200,000 systems were sold, each costing £499, mainly to UK schools and universities.
Some of the UK medical schools created since that time have adopted problem based learning.
The project's aim is to have 25% of UK schools taking part in the programme by 2014.
This group was widely exported to other UK medical schools.
At this time the consortium invited other UK medical schools to join.