These persons have no access to government services and are almost completely dependent on the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
It exploded near the offices of the UN Relief and Works Agency for refugees (UNRWA), where windows were smashed and service vehicles damaged.
Southern security sources earlier charged that the casualties, all from the same family, were caused by a northern missile that exploded near the offices of the UN Relief and Works Agency for refugees in the southern port city.
"The UN Relief and Works Agency and the PLO are reducing the volume of their aid in order to force us to accept any solution," said one of the refugees who declined to be named.
In 1948 he became involved with the United Nations Appeal for Children and the UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, although he was also working as a paint salesman from 1947 through 1950.
In October 2012, Hamas said that they were opposed to teaching about the Holocaust in Gaza Strip schools run by the UN Relief and Works Agency.
Those hoping to work with Palestinian refugees should contact the public information office of the UN Relief & Works Agency.
Fanshawe retired from the Army in 1945 whereupon he became the UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration Director in the British Zone of Germany (1945-1948).
The Commission is also a major donor to the UN Relief and Works Agency.
When reports surfaced that UN Relief and Works Agency was employing terrorists, she fought to have the agency defunded.