In August 2010 he was appointed Vice-chairman of the UN panel investigating the Gaza flotilla raid.
In June 2010 Foreign Minister GL Peiris said that a UN panel on human rights would not be allowed into the country.
The resolution took the view that "the allegations contained in the UN panel of experts' report warrant a full, impartial and transparent investigation".
A UN panel, finding in May 1990 that France had violated the 1986 agreement, proposed French payments into a "friendship fund" [see p. 37459].
Rajendra Pachauri, who chairs the UN panel on climate change, expresses disbelief about Nobel peace prize win.
On 26 March 2009, a UN panel of expert economists called for a new global currency reserve scheme to replace the current US dollar-based system.
What we are asking for is an independent commission to investigate these allegations, identified by the UN panel, of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The five-member UN panel included one Canadian, Jim Freedman, an anthropologist and conflict resolution consultant.
The Galapagos Islands has been withdrawn from a list of endangered world heritage sites by a UN panel.
The book provides context to the findings of the UN panel.