They also desired to bolster UN programs that were viewed as successful, including children's health, population control, environment issues, and land-mines.
The call has been answered, but only a few UN programs were actively using computers and communications in developing countries in 2004.
Malaysia is still providing refuge to 5,000 boat people who are being slowly repatriated under a UN programme launched three years ago.
Between 1985 and 1998 slightly less than 50% of all humanitarian worker deaths came from workers in UN programs.
Other UN programs have also adopted the rights-based approach to development.
Five years after the UN programme of action was agreed, the forthcoming review conference must not just review: it must act.
This can be done relatively easily by upgrading the existing UN environmental programme and efforts are indeed being made in this direction.
Nevertheless, 50 000 boat people have returned voluntarily under a UN programme.
The regime has ample resources available to it under the UN humanitarian programme but chooses not to use them to help ordinary Iraqis.
This French bank was the sole bank administering the $64 billion UN programme.