"Sir, I was part of the UN unit that was caught in the ambush in Iraq in '95."
United States Ground Forces (with attached UN units)
The UN units were able to defeat and repel the North Koreans repeatedly, including through a coordinated offensive across the entire perimeter.
The UN unit, which comprised troops from the crack ParaCommandos of the Belgian Army, made a two-hour stand against the larger force.
UN units would then establish main defensive positions behind what was to be called the Pusan Perimeter.
The boy knew all the identifying marks which the different UN units wore.
Morale among the UN units was low due to the large number of defeats at that point in the war.
There was no way for him to tell if these were from a UN unit or a group of civilians.
The battalion had five members killed, but was able to recapture the post with a UN unit by November 19.
The gendarmerie were setting up roadblocks in order to isolate UN units from one another.