"US adviser" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "US adviser" in inglés

  1. doradca, doradczyni, konsultant, konsultantka, konsyliarz [COUNTABLE]
    My advisor told me not to sign that document until I consult it with my lawyer.
    You can always ask our adviser for help.
    He's a good advisor - I don't know what I would do without him.

Frases relacionadas — "US adviser"


"US adviser" — Collocation dictionary inglés

US adviser collocation
More popular variant: U.S. adviser
Automatic translation (We do not guarantee its correctness): USA doradca
  1. US sustantivo + adviser sustantivo
    Very loose collocation

    U.S. advisers come for a few months, then leave, and their replacements have to start all over.

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