And that would be the last new investigative report on the matter in the US press and TV news.
With no American crews lost in the shoot-downs, the US press paid very little attention to the Chinese reports.
This article was picked up by the US press, causing embarrassment to the apartheid government.
This really shows how far ahead the US press is, even ones who are opponents like the NYTimes.
US press Orbit Books is also convinced a market for digital short fiction is out there.
Or are you merely following the partisan US press who would not want Paul mentioned at all if they could manage it.
The controversy caused by Stoll's book received widespread coverage in the US press of the time.
Because of this, he has, in the past, generally been considered with favor by the US press.
The jogger, whom almost all of the US press avoided naming, testified briefly in court on July 16.
Microsoft chairman Bill Gates has already made similar complaints in public to the US press.