He was a senior USAF pilot, accumulating well over 2,500 flight hours-2,000 of which were in jets.
Although USAF pilots had handled similar emergencies, the Pakistani pilots were less well equipped to do so, lacking C-130 experience and also flying low.
Due to Bruce's career as an USAF pilot, the family lived in England for four years shortly after Steve's birth.
The first students to go through helicopter pilot training were rated fixed-wing USAF pilots.
If USAF pilots expended an ARM they would have to fill out a lengthy form during debriefing.
The 97th has trained USAF pilots to fly supersonic jet aircraft from, 1973-1993 and since 1998.
Gary Hamilton is a USAF pilot and leads a team of ancient aircraft restorers.
Prior to flight USAF pilots check for bird activity on their proposed low level route or bombing range.
The following additional criteria are required to be rated as a USAF pilot:
Four USAF pilots would be awarded the medal in the war, all of them posthumously.