Prior to the grand opening of the zoo, the facility passes a very stringent inspection from the USDA inspector, who begrudgingly wishes them good luck.
However, the USDA eventually stopped authorizing USDA inspectors to stop the line, since doing so incurs considerable cost of time for the industry.
A USDA inspector came to the park and found no problems with launching low-noise fireworks half a mile away.
The Mexican government responded by inviting USDA inspectors to Mexico, but the U.S. government declined, claiming fruit fly inspection was not feasible.
A USDA inspector retains an office on the Eggology premises and the company's inspection routine significantly exceeds government mandates.
In June 2008, USDA inspectors discovered that Tyson had also been using gentamicin, an antibiotic, in eggs.
At the 2006 Tennessee Walking Horse Celebration, the longstanding dispute between trainers and USDA inspectors came to a head.
According to the American Meat Institute (AMI), USDA inspectors oversee turkey plant operations and ensure that federal food safety rules are obeyed.
The USDA knew of that practice, too, and two USDA inspectors supervised its implementation at the plant every day.
Empire claims that its quality control inspectors are "five times stricter than USDA inspectors", and says that its poultry also adheres to the following standards: