In June 2009 ZDNet reported, "Worldwide, there are 13 million active Ubuntu users with use growing faster than any other distribution".
Linux enthusiasts and existing Ubuntu users don't really have much reason to adopt Jolicloud yet.
If you're a Ubuntu user and are considering giving the theme a spin, make sure to check out the entire thread.
He saw no reason for Linux users, particularly Ubuntu users, to switch.
We've looked at many use cases, the most common being the Ubuntu user who is using more than one device or OS.
It was created to simplify the installation of new software for Ubuntu users.
Existing Ubuntu users will find a lot to like in Ubuntu 11.10-it tangibly moves the distribution forward and improves the quality of the user experience.
Added user rating and reviewing software, and the ability to see ratings and reviews of other participating Ubuntu users.
One of the original goals of the Software Center was to provide a channel through which third-party developers could sell commercial software to Ubuntu users.
Just remeber before you wite a story about this again - Ubuntu users are not the general public, dont treat them like they are.