The pattern persisted in Ugandan politics up to and after independence.
Ugandan politics has been plagued by tribalism, and the young cadres with their new influence often encouraged the appointment of their relatives into key government positions.
After the NRA won that war, Byanyima became an active participant in Ugandan politics.
At this time, the kingship controversy was the most important issue in Ugandan politics.
The UPC's poor performance in the 2006 elections forced the party to review its place in Ugandan politics.
Outside University, Mushemeza is active in Ugandan politics.
Wapakhabulo was liked by many on both sides of Ugandan politics.
Fourth, the tribal factor - which still influences Ugandan politics.
For some years it was rumoured that he would return to Ugandan politics.
Since the 2006 elections, the party has struggled to find its place in Ugandan politics.