The album was created with the mixture of Ukrainian pagan folk and alternative electronica.
Author of numerous choral works and arrangements of Ukrainian folk.
The album is full of synth samples, electronica and Ukrainian folk.
Waves Are Dancing is the second full-length album by the Ukrainian folk metal band Holy Blood, released in 2005.
Many traditional English and Ukrainian folk songs use rue to symbolise regret.
There are wistfully lyrical outpourings for the peasant characters, some fashioned from Ukrainian folk music.
His master's dissertation involved a comparison of Ukrainian and Russian folks songs.
Now the reserves and displays of the museum contain over 75,000 artifacts of Ukrainian traditional folk and professional decorative art dating from 15th century to present days.
It marks a radical departure from previous Drudkh works in that all songs are entirely acoustic, arranged in the manner of traditional Ukrainian folk.
This song is actually an Ukrainian folk song 'ocheret meni buz za kolisku'.