The first is a trial about the Holocaust and the brutal acts perpetrated by the Ukrainian guard known as Ivan the Terrible.
S.S. men with whips and Ukrainian guards with rifles bully their way through the crowd.
The second Ukrainian guard followed after dropping down behind the concrete barrier and crawling to the bunker on his hands and knees.
According to Lachmann's own statement, he was in Sobibor as commander of the Ukrainian guards since August 1943.
Goeth was told of Sztab's activities by a Ukrainian guard.
When accosted by a Ukrainian guard on the other side, she wrestled his machine gun out of his grasp and shot several guards before being killed herself.
A few hundred were kept in huts as a work force for the 30 or so German officers and several hundred Ukrainian guards.
At the end of the uprising, 11 German SS personnel and an unknown number of Ukrainian guards were killed.
At one of these, Treblinka, the personnel consisted of 35 to 40 Germans and 100 to 120 Ukrainian guards.
Another Ukrainian guard - also bribed - then led him to a large area encircled by barbed wire.