Ukrainian officers trace the stalemate to Russia, which they see as promoting its own interests, under the camouflage of the commonwealth.
The flight in July of a small coast guard ship from Crimea to Odessa, because the Ukrainian officers claimed discrimination against them, threatened a larger conflict.
Do you find it so unbelievable that a Ukrainian officer would regard himself likewise?
In fact, Piłsudski apologized to the Ukrainian officers on a completely different occasion.
Government officials in Sarajevo also said the Ukrainian officer had joined the Serbs with seven of his soldiers.
Several former Ukrainian officers testified for the prosecution.
Two cruises ago, a Ukrainian officer admitted to me that he knew my father in Russia.
It had seemed so eighteen months ago when I'd first met the Ukrainian officer.
Even thinking about the Ukrainian officer made Rashid's teeth ache.
Immediately another ceasefire was signed to allow the Ukrainian officer to return to his unit.