The Una River (Paraíba) is a small river in the Paraíba state in northeastern Brazil.
The river Pliva is characterized by the specific geological nature of the terrain and distinctive morphological and hydrological features, very similar as nearby Una River.
Since, Dubica is located right on the Una River, fishing has developed into a long time tradition.
Also is very good for fishing underwater and is located in the estuary of Una River.
The Croats, they said, also hope to take control of the east bank of the Una River near Bosanski Novi.
Raft the rolling Una River through gorges near Bihać .
The Una River is a river of Pernambuco state in northeastern Brazil.
The Zagreb radio, monitored in Kostajnica, reported that Serbian insurgents had pushed across the Una River into the Croatian part of the town.
The Una River (Bahia) is a river of Bahia state in eastern Brazil.
Whitewater rafting on Una River in Bosnia has been a fantasy of mine for quite some time.