These men narrowly escaped the Union advance on the city.
As the Union advance continued, they encountered even more barricades that required additional time to overcome.
This was a decisive victory, for it stopped the Union advance and turned the campaign into a general retreat.
The Union advance had covered 2 miles over more than 12 hours and resulted in 78 casualties (6 killed, 50 wounded, 22 missing).
Dance's guns were moved up to stall the Union advance while southern infantry was brought to plug the gap.
The Union advance was slow and steady, supported by artillery.
Hardee retreated during the night after holding up the Union advance for nearly two days.
The Union advance against the gap was made over difficult terrain, particularly in regards to the artillery brought with.
This was the furthest Union advance of the battle.
Jackson, like the others, had dismounted, and he walked forward with a single aide to observe more closely the Union advance.