But in 1972 he returned to New York to take over the presidency of the United Hospital Fund, a health research and philanthropic organization.
The report by the group, the United Hospital Fund, analyzed 2001 financial data for 35 nonspecialty hospitals in the five boroughs.
Today this organization is referred to as the United Hospital Fund.
Right now, the United Hospital Fund has perhaps the most experience in dealing with the issue.
Korff was active with the United Hospital Fund for 28 years.
After her retirement she served as a consultant to the United Hospital Fund of New York.
United Hospital Fund is pushing for new, centralized approaches to care for costly patients who have multiple disorders.
This developed into a larger organization eventually becoming the United Hospital Fund.
Fordham, with financial support from the United Hospital Fund, has begun such a survey.
The program is to be evaluated by the United Hospital Fund, a health foundation.