In the ensuing controversy, the United Nations issued a report that found no evidence of hundreds of deaths, and criticized both sides for placing Palestinian civilians at risk.
The United Nations criticized social attitudes and the system of male guardianship, which deter women from reporting crimes.
In 2011 and again in 2012 the United Nations criticized the federal government over Attawapiskat.
The United Nations and human rights groups criticized this decision, stating the refugees faced possible torture or execution upon their return.
The United Nations has criticised Israel's efforts to change the demographic makeup of Jerusalem in several resolutions.
The United Nations has criticized it for its extensive use of torture.
The United Nations too rarely criticizes that.
The United Nations criticised the international community for responding slowly, despite the ferocity and magnitude of the disaster.
After the United Nations criticized the army for dragooning young men into its ranks at gunpoint off streets and buses, forced conscription stopped.
But the United Nations, human rights organizations and liberal members of Parliament have criticized it for granting immunity to suspected war criminals.