He also urged American participation in United Nations programs aimed at curbing global population growth.
Under a United Nations program begun in 1997, Iraq was permitted to sell its oil only to buy food and other relief goods.
His pledge of $1 billion for United Nations social programs over the next 10 years stands out even among the super-rich.
Another United Nations program teaches peasants how to raise chickens, ducks and rabbits.
But others were doubtful, saying that planning United Nations programs seemed futile given the basic lack of security.
Since its creation the Special Commission has been unlike any other United Nations program.
The debate about funding a United Nations program may seem an arcane budget issue.
Mr. Turner pledged $1 billion to United Nations humanitarian programs.
The United Nations program cited four reasons why the infection rates are so high in Africa.
What will your position be on the commitments given through the United Nations programmes on education and health for all?