The state suspended his license to practice medicine for two years.
The state suspended his license for six months, followed by 18 months' probation.
The state revoked or suspended the licenses of 201 doctors last year, officials said.
Concerned about rising prices, California and five other states have suspended or delayed transition to the competitive system.
"It's the first time a state has suspended an auto maker's license," she said.
Under the proposed action, the state would suspend Chrysler's manufacturing license and fine the company $1.5 million.
Eight other states, including New York, have also suspended executions in recent years, most because of court decisions.
The United States suspended $2.5 million in aid money pending a review of the situation.
The state suspended the transfer of additional Arizona inmates pending an investigation.
Several states in the Northeast have either suspended their new auto emission testing programs or refused to create them.