Sabatini had been there herself before winning the 1990 United States Open title.
King has two victories in 1990, including her second consecutive United States Open title.
She has 10 victories in that span, including two United States Open titles.
Maybe, three years removed from the United States Open title, she has grown tired of waiting for her next major.
The top half of the draw is filled with players with the chance to capture their first United States Open title.
Goosen is gunning for his third United States Open title.
He has two United States Open titles, each won in an emotional tug of war.
For the next 12 months, two new champions must bear the weight of the United States Open title.
How would winning one or two compare to his 2003 United States Open title?
There are few things missing from Lopez's life, but a United States Open title is one of them.
Sabatini had been there herself before winning the 1990 United States Open title.
King has two victories in 1990, including her second consecutive United States Open title.
She has 10 victories in that span, including two United States Open titles.
Maybe, three years removed from the United States Open title, she has grown tired of waiting for her next major.
The top half of the draw is filled with players with the chance to capture their first United States Open title.
Goosen is gunning for his third United States Open title.
He has two United States Open titles, each won in an emotional tug of war.
For the next 12 months, two new champions must bear the weight of the United States Open title.
How would winning one or two compare to his 2003 United States Open title?
There are few things missing from Lopez's life, but a United States Open title is one of them.