The Upjohn Company reported flat first-quarter sales yesterday in its core human health-care business.
The Upjohn Company, the drug maker, also quit the trade association last week.
Kalamazoo was previously the world headquarters for the Upjohn Company.
The Upjohn Company, meanwhile, said it had a $118 million loss in the quarter, reflecting the costs of a previously announced restructuring.
The drug is made by the Upjohn Company and sold under the name Rogaine.
In a study by the Upjohn Company, diabetes was more likely to develop in animals fed a lot of fat.
The Upjohn Company will soon open its laboratory in Japan, the drug maker said today.
She said the Upjohn Company, the pharmaceutical concern, would operate the sample-collection program.
Worldwide sales of Halcion are worth $237 million a year to the Upjohn Company.
The Upjohn Company subsequently decided against marketing the new birth control drug.