The past points to a more utopian future than the one it actually became.
Skip forward two hundred years into the Utopian future, and the scene is totally different.
Hostile Waters takes place in a utopian future where war has been abolished.
He described the first novel of the series as featuring a utopian future where Africa is a leading technological power.
Or is this the recipe for a less than utopian future of universal eavesdropping?
But would we accustomed to twentieth-century life enjoy even a "utopian" future?
Nor can we skip past what troubles and confuses us into a utopian future.
This book is a panegyric to utopian "communist" future of mankind.
The Astronauts, written for the youth is set in the Communist utopian future.
The Utopian future, in which billions were elevated every year, was equally untenable.