He responded with shy nods and a single, stiff V-for-victory sign.
He did little for his image when he flashed a V-for-victory sign.
The troops on top flashed jubilant V-for-victory signs as they passed, hinting at their pleasure at the outcome of the fight.
The terrorists were permitted to retain their weapons and made a V-for-victory sign with their hands upon leaving the plane.
He kept trying to make the V-for-victory sign.
Some waved to the crowd of well-wishers who had gathered, others gave the V-for-victory sign.
But he praised "those people who have had faith in me and were supportive," and grinned and gave a V-for-victory sign.
They daubed their hands in the camel-blood, and gave the V-for-victory sign with dripping fingers.
"When she won her $350 million three years ago she gave everyone a V-for-victory sign," he said.
Gamal Mubarak gave a V-for-victory sign as he leaves.