Among the speediest parrot species, they streak through the sky, wingtip to wingtip, holding a tight, V-shaped formation.
They lined up in a V-shaped formation, with Avatre at the point, and headed for the practice grounds.
Brady and Bear Den both converge in a V-shaped formation to enclose the cove to the south.
In August 1951, a V-shaped formation of lights was seen over the city.
A V-Shaped formation characterized the Spanish fleet, with the smaller ships on the back.
T'Pau nodded and held up her right hand, spreading her fingers into an elegant V-shaped formation.
Their left-hand window on the south side now looks into a V-shaped formation of catwalks, steel beams and wood formed by the billboard and its twin.
Swarms of hideous, fishlike men were creeping toward the fighters in eerily precise, V-shaped formations.
THERE are few things more moving than an autumn sky filled with migratory geese flying in V-shaped formations on their annual trek south for the winter.
On the wall next to the sink, a V-shaped formation of peacock-blue cheese beetles, each the size of a man's fingernail, arrowed towards the floor.