So it uses its VPN connection, which is essentially it's protecting bad guys from getting in.
I mean here we pay about 320kr per month for a 100mbps, what's an extra 49kr for a VPN connection and peace of mind?
A VPN connection to a business's main office can help its employees be productive when they're on the go.
It can also be used to initiate a VPN connection to a virtual zone.
Get yourself a VPN connection and pass the buck on to the people who rent from you.
It doesn't have the ability to terminate a VPN connection for remote users.
Sitting here in china listening to it now - streaming beautifully over a slow VPN connection.
I really don't see the need to spend money for a VPN connection.
Everybody has a VPN connection to one or more participants.
The best advice we can offer is the first advice: a VPN connection.