In New Orleans, in the potential strike zone, business was light at Mary's True Value Hardware in the French Quarter.
Campbell also won contests sponsored by True Value Hardware at age 15 and again at 18.
So why she ventured into a True Value Hardware in Brooklyn three years ago is really anyone's guess.
Some retailing companies, like Ace Hardware and True Value Hardware, both cooperatives owned by member stores, say goods are being shunted eastward.
Other businesses include True Value Hardware, USA Window Depot, and Lamperts Lumber.
Rosalie came limping out of the alley between the Red Apple and the True Value Hardware next door.
Formerly in the U.S. Navy, and currently a professional truck driver for True Value Hardware.
As a joint venture would have it, the store is Mexican but the shelves are stocked by True Value Hardware; even the nails come from the United States.
Also throughout the 90s he was featured in national commercials for True Value Hardware and ITT Technical Colleges.
In 1998, Landrum switched gears entirely and entered the retail hardware business working for a local True Value Hardware in the Tri-Cities area.