The Varsity Show is an annual musical written by and for students and was established in 1894, making it one of Columbia's oldest traditions.
However, he abandoned the world of jurisprudence for the vocation of journeyman actor, having already appeared in Columbia's annual Varsity Show.
He wrote the annual Varsity Show, The Mischief Maker, in his senior year.
The Varsity Show is one of the oldest traditions at Columbia University and certainly its oldest performing arts presentation.
Mr. Dixon performed in the cast of the 107th Annual Varsity Show.
"113th Varsity Show Cast Announced" Columbia Spectator.
"Homer Hosts the Varsity Show" Columbia Spectator.
Varsity Show (1937)
It was not until his father's death on June 10, 1914, that he participated in his first play with the Varsity Show, entitled On Your Way.
During his college years he had written plays for amateur performances, including the very first Varsity Show.