The first three webisodes premiered in the Varsity Theater on the Brigham Young University campus, as well as online.
Wick Sachs finally stopped in front of the nicely retro Varsity Theatre in downtown Chapel Hill.
Just past two-thirty, Sachs and Dr. Wellsley came out of the Varsity Theatre.
Among these are the Varsity Theatre (1940) and the University Book Store (1924).
Opened for mashup D.J. Girl Talk at the Varsity Theater in Minneapolis, 2007.
Footage from the 08.05.07 show at the Varsity Theater.
Breanne Düren singing Lenses live at the Varsity Theater on October 1, 2008
The Varsity Theater and the Tivoli showed first-run movies.
Gabriel's job as a booker of late-night UMD events led him to work for the Varsity Theater in Minneapolis.
A month later, he officially announced his candidacy at the Varsity Theater in Minneapolis.