There was some relief on the Vassar campus that a suspect had been arrested.
Dr. Cole and Dr. Bateson will be at the reunion, on the Vassar campus in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., to talk with the class and other alumni on June 4.
When Wenders goes to the Vassar campus to attend a lecture, a brief one-man performance is seen on-stage.
The Vassar Observatory, the first building built on the Vassar campus, is also a National Historic Landmark.
It is the first of three so-called mainstage productions to play the Powerhouse, which is also the name of a theater on the Vassar campus, through Aug. 12, when the season ends.
The Vassar campus looks as if someone waved a wand and said, "I'll take one of everything."
Once selected, they are counseled continuously through the school year until the next summer's study program on the Vassar campus.
The Vassar campus is an arboretum.
The Vassar campus has several buildings of architectural interest.
She graduated from Vassar College in 1924 and, 10 years later, became a founder of the progressive Poughkeepsie Day School on the Vassar campus.