In April 1998 he took early retirement and began his daily protest outside the Vatican embassy.
There was no one available for comment on the issue last night at the Vatican Embassy in Washington.
Weeks later, Doyle was demoted from his post in Vatican embassy.
Her mother is an administrative assistant at the Vatican Embassy in Washington.
Within minutes, a clapping, chanting crowd gathered outside the Vatican Embassy.
Indian media reported that the duo attended a party at the Vatican Embassy and were seen freely mingling with guests.
American forces have surrounded the Cuban buildings as well as the Vatican Embassy.
Colonel Francois has reportedly taken asylum in the Vatican Embassy here.
Tonight when he returned to the Vatican embassy here, John Paul went to the chapel three times to pray before he retired for the night.
Women's groups, upset about the church's stand against abortion and against women as priests, have already begun demonstrations at the Vatican Embassy in Washington.